Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Relatively Speaking...

This entry is titled “Relatively Speaking” because the family in the pictures are related to Krista and I.

When planning this session, Mom told us that her daughter Julia might not cooperate in front of the camera. Well we've handled situations like this in the past, and we were ready with all the tricks we normally use on little kids to squeak out a few good session pictures.

We were even ready to use some things we learn in a recent Sandy Puc seminar "Tots to Teens." Turned out, we used very little from our bag-o-tricks because Julia cooperated extremely well. As a matter of fact, we captured so many cute images of her that it was hard to narrow them down for touch-up and editing.

Here’s a preview of a few images from that session.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Gorgeous. No other words for these pics.
